
Archive for March 3rd, 2011

Tabletop Gardening

In past 10 years, this is the first year that my  parents have come to stay with me for a month and I want that they have a gala time.  I stay in office for 8-9 hrs , so during the day mom dad spend time watching tv , sleeping or reading. I was thinking of some creative activity that could keep my mom occupied.

I came across tabletop gardens through one of the blogs and I was very impressed. But I am not very sure where to start with.

I want to pick some containers or pots in which my mom can plant trees. I though if I purchase some small clay pots ,

I can ask mom to paint them in nice colurful patterns. I am looking forward to lots of suggestions that can guide me in the process.

The foremost is I do not know from where I can purchase small clay pots.. ????

Suggestions are welcome ladies!

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